What is the difference between a boiler and a heat pump?

While both boilers and heat pumps let you adjust the temperature in your home, they are not the same. They work in very different ways.

How a boiler works

A boiler does precisely what the name implies: boils water. Homes and businesses use boilers to heat water for showers and running water. They also use them for central heating systems. Hot water flows through pipes to radiators in the building which then transfer the heat to rooms.

Most boilers rely on gas for heat. Water passes over a gas-fired heat source in a controlled manner. Once the water in the system is hot enough (as indicated by the thermostat), the boiler switches off. Boiler service companies offer annual boiler servicing to ensure that they are efficient and dependable.

How heat pumps work

Heat pumps work on a different principle. They use electrical energy to transfer heat from a warm area to a cool one. They make interiors warmer during cold winter weather, and cooler in the height of summer, making them suitable for most properties.

Heat pumps themselves do not create heat. Instead, they simply move water, or air, to react with glycol based within the system to create a reaction that increases the water or air temperature. For this reason, they are extremely efficient. Some models can generate up to four times the heat in a room than they consume, whereas the relationship between boiler energy use and room temperature is one-to-one. Many systems use renewable energy.

Modern boilers are extremely efficient and dependable, and perhaps the best way to currently heat your home, simply because of their high-power output.

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